Deepti Pathak

Aug 24, 20194 min

Are you too comfortable? Top 3 Ways to Step Out of your Comfort Zone

Updated: Jun 27, 2020

Humans have a tendency to settle down. When we finally overcome a particular situation, it is very easy to just settle in that space and not look further. We may do so for a variety of reasons.

Some people may develop a fear of not being able to overcome something or succeed again, so they become stagnant.

Others might take another route by thinking that this place is the best they'll get to, so they do not bother looking past it.

Whatever boat you are on in this river, you need to swim out of it. It might be a human tendency to accept comfort and convenience, but that does not mean you cannot break out of it and explore the unexplored every day.

Doing so is especially important because comfort zones keep you from better things. They prevent you from improving yourself and exposing yourself to circumstances that teach you something new and add value to your life and experiences.

Thus, if you want to let go of your inhibitions, but seem to be struggling with it, this article is here to help you.

Read on to get three excellent and thorough tips on how to go about hacking your comfort zone.

1. Go Out, and Do Something New

We always have some things kept away at the back of our mind. These are things that we have wanted to do for ages but never got around to. It can be learning how to cook, joining a yoga class, or attending social events more often.

Doing something new is challenging.

It is understandable as you have to make time for this new activity that will take regular amounts of time out of your day.

We suggest that you zero in on an attainable and realistic goal. If you have never had the habit of cooking, you cannot realistically expect yourself to cook a three-course meal out of nowhere.

You need to start slow and steady. So for example, you can start with a simple breakfast on a Sunday. And you can build upon it day by day, so by the end of the month, you will be able to at least cook lunch all by yourself.

If you proceed in this fashion, you will be able to keep yourself motivated throughout. You will feel challenged, but it will be just enough for you to keep working at it a little more each time.

Another thing that you can do is research more about the task you are taking up.

This will help you in two ways.

One, you will be able to gather more information and insight before you step into it, so you will obviously be way better prepared.

Secondly, you can also seek help or support of your friends or family as you go about this new journey.


2. Build a Positive Thought Process Around What You Are Doing.

Who are you helping when you do not trust in all the genuine efforts you are putting into task? We all know that it helps no one.

So, you have got to stop being your own enemy.

By not believing in your efforts, you are simply becoming an obstacle in your own growth and progress. Because once you give in to doubt, it becomes even more difficult to take on new things and step out of comfort zones.

In order to stop doing this, you must remind yourself of the good and positive things that can come out of the task you are doing, every time something negative pops up in your head.

If you keep doing it, you will be able to tackle those thoughts of doubt far better than before.

If ever your fear or hesitation starts getting to you, remind yourself of the facts in front of you.

Remind yourself of the research you made and all the things you know for sure.

Look at positive quotes and adopt a personal motivational attitude with yourself. With practice, thinking positively will start to come naturally to you. All you need is practice.

3. Make Sure Your Actions Are Accountable

Be it at a personal, professional or political level, accountability is key.

When we take account of what we are doing and why, we are also able to build an adequate system in place.

Thus, you must take note of the times you slack off or avoid doing certain things and not just brush these situations under the carpet.

If you do so, you are only making it difficult for yourself to become a better version of yourself.

We get that it is difficult to do so. It feels much easier to just ignore certain lapses and get on with the next part. But if we continue doing so, there will never be real or noticeable growth.

You know why?

Because you already stifled all the opportunities for growth that came your way.

If you want to avoid ever coming into such a situation, you need to understand that though it is okay to fail or slack every once in a while, it is not okay to do nothing about it and brush it under the carpet.

You must try to be just a little more disciplined every time.

For example, if you had planned on going for a walk every day last week but you have not done so for three days. First, you must acknowledge the fact that yes, you have not kept your promise. Then, you must remind yourself that something needs to change.

You need to put a system in place to make yourself accountable. You can decide to not watch the next episode of your favourite series until you finish those three mornings of walking.

When you put a system in place to stop you from making the same mistake it will strengthen your resolve for the next time around.

Remember, life begins at the end of your comfort zone.